Monday, May 19, 2014

I Should've Let Them Forget ...

I'm not sure who continues to drop the ball at my nephrologist's office ... but it's a little disconcerting.   This last appointment I was told my kidney function had dropped appreciably.   Five or six percent doesn't matter when you're in the early stages.  But when you're already down to 30%?   Dropping five percent is a rather depressing hit.

In any case, I was complaining that I was tired ... and wanted to discuss function and how it relates to fatigue.  I know fatigue is supposed to be a problem once you're near dialysis.   But ... now?   Already?  My doctor didn't want to have that discussion ... at least not until after we'd done a sleep study.

I suppose it's a valid thing to consider.  I'm heavy ... and heavy people tend to have sleeping issues.  But I have enough issues.  I don't want to have to deal with this too.   Despite dragging my feet, my nephrologist insisted she was calling my family doctor and getting a sleep study scheduled.

Fast forward four weeks ...

I called the nephrologist's office today and asked if they'd had any word about a date for the test.  The nurse had no idea what I was talking about.  It wasn't in the notes ... so they might've called my family doctor ... they might not have ... but hey, why don't you call your family doctor and set it up yourself?

Sigh ... really?

It's not really comforting ... the idea of my function being in the hands of an office who can't remember to schedule the test that they insisted upon.   Seriously ... I didn't even want this ... but I'm the one having to schedule it?   This is ridiculous.

Nevertheless ... I called.  They're checking with insurance and getting a date.  Huzzah ...

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