Sunday, September 30, 2007

Take Cover When The Siren Sounds ...

My favorite Stephen King short story is 1408. For those of you unfamiliar ... 1408 is in King's 2002 compilation, Everything's Eventual.

The story revolves around Mike Enslin, a talented writer who has found success in a series of cheap books based on haunted locations across America. In spite of these novels, he's a confirmed skeptic. He doesn't believe in supernatural experiences or ghosties or ghoulies. Unfortunately, this attitude places him in even more danger as he finds himself at the Dolphin Hotel in New York ... in room 1408.

I don't know why the story fascinates me ... but I could read it once a week and never tire of it. So, being the movie nut that I am ... I was really looking forward to the John Cusack film ... and last night I got a chance to sit down with a bowl of popcorn and check it out.

It's not bad. It's no Shining ... but it's not bad. There was quite a bit of padding, but I suppose that's to be expected ... it's based on a short story after all. The part about his wife and child? None of that was in the original ... but it didn't distract from the story.

I suppose my only complaint is that it's a little over the top. In King's short story, the room doesn't explode ... it doesn't need to. That inhuman, rasping voice coming through the phone was more than enough to freak me out.

There was no ring in his ear. Instead, a harsh voice simply began speaking. "This is nine! Nine! This is nine! Nine! This is ten! Ten! We have killed your friends! Every friend is now dead! This is six! Six!"

Take a moment and read the original. Someone's posted the entire story here. Read it quick ... I'm not sure who owns the site ... but I am sure they'll get a C&D any minute. And, if you're not busy ... check out the movie too. It's got Samuel Jackson in it ... so you know it's gotta be a little cool.

We've only just begun to live,
White lace and promises
A kiss for luck and we're on our way.
And yes, We've just begun.

The Carpenters - We've Only Just Begun


  1. Thirty-

    I'm a big fan of 1408, the story, as well. In fact, I like many of the stories in Everything's Eventual. I think they were among some of King's most interesting stories ever conceived.

    I haven't seen the movie, but I won't be so against seeing it now that I've read your review.


  2. You're so right, John ... there are quite a few good stories in Everything's Eventual. I really loved the title story ... with Dinky collecting money from a mysterious corporation for sending mysterious messages. I mean, isn't that a fantasy situation? Someone sets you up in a house ... with a car ... with everything you've EVER wanted. But nothing's free ... I guess like the monkey paw ... it's always gotta have a twist.

    The movie isn't Oscar-worthy ... I won't lie. But there are much worse ways to spend an hour and a half of your time. I thought it was pretty good. I like John Cusack ... and who doesn't like Samuel Jackson? Lemme know what you guys think of it ...
