Monday, August 19, 2013

Welcome to The New Age ... iThirtyWhat!

I have an idea ... I want to start something new!

I have a bad habit of becoming temporarily obsessed with songs. This idiosyncrasy is nothing new.  It goes way back.  I remember driving into town listening to GNR's Knocking on Heaven's Door over and over on a loop until I thought my best friend was going pierce her ear drums with an ice pick just for a moment's peace.

These days, at least once a week there's a new song that has my full, undivided attention.  Sometimes it's brand new.  Sometimes it's a year or two old.  Every great once in awhile, it's a golden oldie ... but that doesn't happen often.  I got to thinking ... what better way to get it out of my head ... than to share it here?  So each week I'll introduce you to a song, write a paragraph or so about it ... how I heard it and why it clicked with me ... and I'll link to it so you can hear it in action.

So buckle your seat belt!  Here we go!  This week on iThirtyWhat ... I give you:  Imagine Dragons and Radioactive ...

Backstory:  A couple weeks ago, Stoney and I were sitting around listening to music.  Every so often,  when we have some down time, he'll play me some new music he's downloaded.  There's usually at least one song that I fall in love with ... one evening it was I'll Pray For You and on another occasion it was Get Naked.  This last time, he played a few ... and Radioactive was one of them.  I liked it ... but ... there wasn't that instant jolt of thinking, "Wow! I have to have this!"

But this song has been ... everywhere.   It was in the Assassin's Creed promo video.  It was in a trailer for The Host.  It's been used in commercials for the History Channel and Powerbeats.  Last night was the straw that broke the camel's back.  Radioactive was the closing song for the finale of True Blood.  The screen went black ... and as it rolled over the credits, I just gave up ... and opened iTunes and bought it.  Hey, what are you gonna do?  You can only fight for so long.

If you have a new favorite song ... whether it's a new song or a song that's new to you ... then put it in the comments.  If I love it, maybe it will be the featured song next time!  Sesame Street was right ... sharing is fun!

I'm waking up to ash and dust
I wipe my brow and I sweat my rust
I'm breathing in the chemicals

Imagine Dragons - Radioactive


  1. This is my third time leaving this comment. I hate myself sometimes.

    My current turn-on is the new Civil Wars album, which is likely their last. The first track, "The One That Got Away," is an early standout for me.

    I never meant to get us in this deep
    I never meant for this to mean a thing
    Oh, I wish you were the one
    Wish you were the one that got away

    I got caught up by the chase
    And you got high on every little game
    I wish you were the one
    Wish you were the one that got away

    I wonder if rings for other single people my age. Do we regret more the ones who got away, or the ones who didn't? Because at this age, we're all carrying around carousels of baggage, and I'm sure I'm not the only one who wonders if I'm damaged goods after all I've been through.

    Plus it's just a really pretty song.

    I've decided to go ahead and like that Imagine Dragons song. I can't get away from it, so I might as well sing along with it. :)

  2. Hey, Scrivener ... I've been meaning to get on here and respond to your post and I kept forgetting.

    Holy crow ... thank you SO much for sharing this song! I've already downloaded it on iTunes and I'm playing it even as I write this.

    I think anyone who has been divorced ... and that's not even fair because I should include anyone whose been in a bad relationship ... can relate to your song. It's almost painful to listen to it. Why didn't I turn the other way? Why didn't I listen to my head? Why didn't I pay attention to the signs?

    Anyhow ... all the downer stuff aside ... thank you for sharing with me. It's a great song!
