Saturday, November 30, 2013

The Best Christmas Since Bing Crosby Tap Danced With Danny F'n Kaye!

Well ... two big milestones happened tonight.  First off, Stoney invited me over to help him decorate for Christmas.  We put up his tree and ate fast food and watched Christmas Vacation ... I had an awful lot of fun.  I didn't put a tree up last year ... and I probably won't be putting up one over here this year either ... so just him including me?  It was so great of him.  He'll really never know how awesome it was.

On top of that ... I actually  shopped on Black Friday.  I sort of backed into it ... but still ... I not only shopped on Black Friday, but I got a pretty good deal.  I ran up to Walgreens for something ... and picked up a pack of multi-colored Sharpies while I was there.  In the checkout line, the woman in front of me turned around and said, "Here ... I have a coupon and they aren't keeping them!  They're letting us reuse them!  Merry Christmas!"

I looked at the coupon ... and holy moly ... 50% off all purchases on Black Friday!  So even with a couple boxes of Christmas lights and a full set of Sharpies, I owed less than five dollars.  Merry Christmas, you old savings and loan!   When I was done, I passed the coupon to the man behind me ... who looked a little befuddled but said thank you.  Every little random act of kindness helps, I suppose.

So ... I came home ... found a couple things I've been searching for online and got them ordered.  I even found one thing I didn't even know existed ... but I know about it now and it's on its way!  I re-worked my Christmas card design and made it better.  I assembled one present that had been in pieces.  All in all ... it's been a good day!   Time to lay my head down ...

As I lay me down to sleep
This I pray
That you will hold me dear
Though I'm far away
I'll whisper your name into the sky
And I will wake up happy

Sophie B. Hawkins -
As I Lay Me Down To Sleep

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