Monday, December 16, 2013

Monkey Balls ...

I'm beyond frustrated right now.

First ... I ordered a photo print from Walgreens for my sister-in-law's Christmas gift.   I sized it based on the dimensions given on the little example photo ... without realizing the frame cuts off a good half inch on all sides.  I came home tonight and put everything together to find out that part of everyone's faces are cut off.  Ugh ... so ... I got out the laptop, re-sized the image, and re-ordered more prints.  I guess we'll try this again tomorrow.

Part two?   The last gift I was waiting on was delivered today ... and it isn't what I expected.  It's fine.  It will do.  But it isn't half of what I was expecting it to be.  For the price I paid, this is pure monkey balls.  There's nothing to be done ... but it's a major disappointment.

I had dinner with Stoney ... which was delicious ... and a fun time hanging out with him for a little while.  Hopefully he'll get some much-needed rest tonight and feel better tomorrow ... and I'm off to take a shower and try to shake this headache I've got going on.

You know ... thinking about it ... I really need to just buy a printer already.

"Bah, humbug" but that's too strong
'Cause it is my favorite holiday
But all this year's been a busy blur
Don't think I have the energy

The Waitresses - Christmas Wrapping


  1. I used to teach photography classes and used my own printer. It was nice to have the kind of control I wanted, but you it's so much easier to just send files to Walgreens, which will print photos any time of day or night. And it's so much cheaper to send them to Costco, which is less convenient but sooooooo much better for the savings. Still have my printer but almost NEVER EVER print my own photos anymore.

  2. I don't have a Costco where I live ... but you're right ... with Walgreens being so easy and affordable, it's hard to justify buying a photo printer ... at least with as few pictures as I print. It's just that rare convenience of getting to say, "I want to print this NOW" and then doing it. But then you run into the problem of ink ... if you don't use it quickly enough, or often enough, it dries out. Ugh ... no good answer, I'm afraid.
